Welcome to New Frontier Drilling
Many positive things are happening with New Frontier Drilling to start 2014. Along with its new shop/fenced yard facility at 4805 Reno Hwy in Fallon NV, it now has an updated and functioning Environmental Health and Safety Plan posted at browz.com. Also, New Frontier has an on-site training area to keep our employees and any others who may visit a job site aware of our company’s standard procedures and policies.
Many in the mining and mineral exploration industry agree 2013 was not a stellar year. With the impact of the federal government’s quantitative easing, much needed capital flowed away from the mining industry, particularly in exploration. Instead of concentrating on the difficulties, New Frontier Drilling used any down time to upgrade equipment and improve processes.
As the mining and exploration industries go, so too the drilling industry. 2013 was difficult for many companies. With gold around $1,700.00 per ounce to start 2013, drilling companies looked forward to steady demand. With massive quantitative easing propping up the stock market along with downward pressure on gold prices, the demand for drilling quickly collapsed, leaving many companies scrambling to refinance debt and/or liquidate equipment.
This was not the case for New Frontier Drilling. We ended 2012 with substantial operating capital and kept enough crews busy in 2013 to maintain our positive position. As 2014 gets started, New Frontier Drilling plans to expand its operations in the western US, especially Nevada.
With the number of projects already under contract along with several bid requests, New Frontier Drilling is confident the coming year will see growth return to the mineral exploration industry.
Along with its current inventory of three track mounted sliding-angle mast RC drill rigs, New Frontier is looking to add a fourth deep hole track rig and a deep hole truck mounted rig in 2014. If you are planning any RC drilling projects in 2014, New Frontier Drilling would like to be added to your list of bidding contractors.
Please contact New Frontier Drilling with questions and, if you could, instructions on how to obtain a RFP/RFQ from you regarding upcoming RC drilling programs.
Looking forward to serving your reverse circulation drilling needs.